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OCR: Key WebHub Components Component Description Represents and manages the Weh application as a whole. It provides direcs pointers to the essential components and properties needed while swriting a Webapplication, Variants of this component he provided that have cut down or extended HTML-macro processing,including casy database-access mueros. Does for surfers what I Web hop does for the application as a whole, It tracks each surfer's data from arrival at the site, including data entered on HTMI, forms, to application-specific suefer data and component-stare data ... .webServer Frapsulates the properties of the Web server being used. It presents all the CGI and system erivironment dats pas ed from the Wes server to the application as accessed string and tist properties. #WebappOutput Strids output from the application to the Web server. Typically, the output consists of HTML, but it cin be a different MIME type (e.g. binary). Furthermore, this component can perform Webl lub macro.expansion during transmission, allowing a programmer to send HTMl, "chunks" and macros char have boch defined cxremally by the HTML specialist." J WelCommandline Connects the application to the Ruaner,and the Hib, and brings each page request into the application, Fest hregarded as the "input" part of the equation, white 7 WebAppOusont is the "output." Keeps track of other components "~ it monitors open applications, open pages and sessions, and assists in saving state. it is the closest thing to a "control component" in WebHab. TWebMenu Automatically checks other WebHub components and builds a menu of their management functions, providing, an instant user interfaces TW.SAction A component class that can be directly called from H'[M], to perform a given task, enabling arness to pieces of reusable custom Delphi logic. Presents tabular data such os static dacibese cables of the results of dynamic queries. It automatically mantages display of different data types, wich surfer selectable index order, display sets, and page sizes (if desired). It provides paging controls, but these can be overridden by the developer, Hor links can be shade withit any field : { these links can be jumps to derail pages or links to resources such as audio or image files Oder property changes can turn a 7 lieb DamGrid table. into a grid of cditable helds, allowing for database display and update Provides the core functionality of / WalDataGrid, but inabics the developer to outpur cech. Tow of the data, providing a flexible free- forth output ind mole format. (Related components include 1 Web Drop Down, 7 Web Ownfine; The StringGrid, and IWeblinGrid.) Handles paged display of non-darabase lists and information, usertil for result sets from a source other than a database query (i.e .on indexing ringing). :7 Web DataForm Supports""instant form", presentation and provides display-only and editable views of datalake fields. A simple macro parameter detennihr which view will appear, and a 7 WebLlataPister component can be added to handle table updating. “WelCredaCard tywxi to verify credit card number and expirarion by applying inundan =fumber-validation techniques. TelMailForm Takes surfer form input and automatically e-mails data to a preset destination, Fully configurable, allowing one Web applicationito support many sites, forms, e-mail templates, and target addresses. For developers creating mail applications, such as bulk e-mailing from 'a site; the TWebMail component provides lower level functionality, Makes Web page requests from within a Web application -- useful for sites that need to "warch" or dethe information from other sites. Like I webMail and 7 Ws felNer, this component depends on the' 7 wir Sock componehr that can also be used to implement direct TCP/IP communications with external services; oreven with applications on the surfer's machine, such as a Java applet.' T:WebPicture Greines on the fly, custom image; for display in Web pages. Similar logic can be used to convert images from catalk ,- BI OBs into files that can be vitived in a browser.